The Cleadon Village Atlas Report
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The Cleadon Village Atlas Report
©Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
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. BAR 161
Maps and Plans
1576 Christopher Saxton Dunelmensis episcopatus qui comitatus est palatinus olim pars
Brigantum (DCO Maps DU/A2)
1675 John Ogilby – route from Whitby to Tynemouth SCM TWCMS : C6510
1768 Armstrong's Map of the County Palatine of Durham (DUSC DUL NSR Planfile C
1820 Christopher Greenwood Map of the County Palatine of Durham (DUSC DCL Maps 1)
1820 Thomas Bell
1831 Plan & section of an intended line of rail way from South Shields to Monkwearmouth
- surveyed by T. O. Blackett. (DUSC SCM TWCMS: B9482)
1839 Thomas Bell Tithe Plan (TWA DX5/2)
1839 Whitburn Parish Tithe (DUSC DDR/EA/TTH/1/252)
1855 25-inch first edition Ordnance Survey Map VIII.1, VIII.2, IV.14
1862 6-inch first edition Ordnance Survey Map Durham VIII & IV
1895 25-inch second edition Ordnance Survey Map VIII.1, VIII.2, IV.14
1898 6-inch second edition Ordnance Survey Map Durham VIII & IV
1919 6-inch third edition Ordnance Survey Map Durham
1939 6-inch fourth edition Ordnance Survey Map Durham
1951 1:10000 First National Grid Durham
1980 1:10000 Second National Grid Durham
x Archives viewed and used in report
Tyne and Wear Archives (T&WA)
C.CL1 Cleadon Methodist Church 1899-1999
C.CL2 Cleadon Presbyterian Church Hall 1944-1947
CB.SS/PH South Shields County Borough Medical Officer of Health
CB.SS/PH/2/1/2 Borough Hospital and Sanatorium wages book June 1929-March 1934
The Cleadon Village Atlas Report
©Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
CB.SS/PH/2/4/1 Copies of revised plans for the conversion of the Cottage Homes, Cleadon to
M.D.Centre 1957-1958
CB.SS/PH/3 Control of infectious diseases
CB.SS/PH/7/1/3/1 Tuberculosis clinic daybooks of tuberculosis cases sent for treatment to
sanatoria Jan 1956-Jan 1963
DF.SHE Summary Sir John Sherburn's Estate at Cleadon and Whitburn 1867-
DF.WF/40/3 Cleadon Hill Farm colliery subsidence 14 March 1911
DS.BM/2/46 Plans of Bartrams Sports Ground, Cleadon Lane, Whitburn c1959
DS.FEN R Fenwick & Co. Ltd., Brewers, Sunderland
DS.JWL/32/32 Cleadon, All Saints December 1990
DT.BEL/1/77 Correspondence concerning Thomas Bell's valuation of R. Bowlby's property at
Cleadon Meadows 8 - 12 October 1840
DT.JHM/13 Cleadon, Cottage Homes for South Shields Poor Law Union 19 April
1907 - June 1912
DT.JHM/14 Cleadon Park, for James Kirkley Esq.
DT.RH/20/13 Job numbers 972 and 980, Cleadon Church, choir stalls and litany desk nd [c
DT.RH/20/113 Job number 971, Cleadon Church nd [c 1916]
DT.TRM/3/10 House, Cleadon for Mr Smith; Sketch plan 1958
DX5/2* Tithe plan with reference table of Whitburn parish including enlarged plans for
the villages of Cleadon and Whitburn; surveyor John Bell of Gateshead 1839
DX404 Burdon Estate, Cleadon 1903
DX404/1 Cleadon. Sale particulars of Burdon Estate, comprising two fields on the south
side of Whitburn Lane, six fields on the north side of Boldon Lane and two
houses in Main Street, Cleadon. Includes plans 7 September 1903
DX553* Cleadon and District Historic photographs c1900-1990
DX635/1/18 No 31 Cleadon FC (2nd XI) nd [1936]
DX1263/1* Cleadon Windmill 28 September 1993
E.CL1* Cleadon Church of England Infants School 1872 - 1974
E.CL2* Cleadon County Junior Mixed School 1908 - 1973
HA.ST/3/36 Cleadon Park Hospital 9 December 1974 - 25 September 1981
HO.CL Collection Cleadon Park Sanatorium, South Shields 1924-1973
JA.SCT/1/19 Sunniside Farm, Sunniside Lane, Cleadon, South Tyneside June -
September 2007
L/4359/285 * Index to 1851 Census of South Tyneside, vols 1
PU.SS/1/18/13 Contract for erection of Cleadon Children's Homes, with Receiving Home at
Workhouse 2 September 1907 - 12 November 1908
PU.SS/3 Cleadon Childrens' Homes 1909-1951
The Cleadon Village Atlas Report
©Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
UD.BO/25/46 [3/17/28] 26 houses, West Drive, Cleadon. 12 August 1948
UD.BO/25/48 [3/17/40] 38 houses, Cleadon Lane, Whitburn 29 December 1948
UD.BO/25/49 [3/17/52] 60 houses, Cleadon Lane 13 June 1949
UD.BO/25/50 [3/17/57] 32 houses, Cleadon Lane 7 July 1949
UD.BO/25/54 [3/17/68] Bowling green, tennis court etc, Cleadon 31 January 1950
UD.BO/25/77 [3/19/13] 12 bungalows and 46 houses, West Drive, Cleadon 30
September 1953
UD.BO/26/3 38 houses, Cleadon Lane, Whitburn 11 December 1948 - 29 March 1950
UD.BO/26/4 92 houses, Cleadon Lane, Whitburn 6 October 1949 - 3 January 1951
UD.BO/27/55 [199] Cleadon Village site, A792 5 June 1919 - 22 March 1921
UD.BO/27/144 [604] Footpaths - Boldon Lane and Cleadon Lane 2 December 1932 - 28
August 1936
UD.BO/27/212 [927] Housing site, Cleadon Lane, Whitburn 14 October 1946 - 22
February 1949
UD.BO/27/213 [927] Housing site, Cleadon Lane, Whitburn 28 March 1949 - 21 October
UD.BO/27/236 [1007] Housing site - West Drive, Cleadon 14 February 1947 - 1
December 1950
UD.BO/44/26-27 Cleadon, 118 houses for R. Brown & Sons. 25 November 1925
UD.BO/44/28 Cleadon, Woodlands Road. 26 May 1926
Durham University Special Collections (DUSC)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/252* Whitburn Parish tithe and apportionment book 30 April 1842
DDR/EA/NCN/2/77* 1792 – 1807 Cleadon
DHC10/A6/1146 (72923)
Papers relating to the Enfranchisement to the Corporation of
South Shields of land (site of fever hospital) at Cleadon . Plan on Deed
of Enfranchisement.
DHC11/VI/36a* Plan of Whitburn and Cleadon and Boldon Royalties (ud)
DHC11/VI/168* Plan of Boldon, Whitburn, Cleadon, showing call numbers and rents (ud)
DHC11/VI/170b Tracing of plan of Cleadon House estate (ud)
DHC11/VI/170a (after 1895 and before 1914) Plan of Cleadon House estate near
Sunderland belonging to Henry Cooper Abbs, Esq
DHC11/VI/180* Plan of Whitburn and Cleadon showing allotments [acreages stated]
and tenants (ud)
DHC11/VI/215* Rough plan of lands around Whitburn and Cleadon Hill. Some
tenants’ names are given. Headed "Re Chadwick's Claim" (ud)
DHC11/VI/216a* (201697) Plan of lands in the Whitburn and Cleadon area near Lizard
House and Hope House (ud)
The Cleadon Village Atlas Report
©Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
DHC11/VI/36b* Plan of Cleadon North Farm (ud)
DHC11/VI/36c* Plan of Cleadon and district (ud)
GB-0033-CKS The Cookson Family Papers
DPRI/1/1743/D1/1-6 * John Dagnia Will 26 June 1742
DPRI/1/1743/D1 * Probate John DAGNIA, gentleman, of South Shields Westpans in the
county of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]
GRE/X/P46 Copy will of Ralph Grey of Cleadon, County Durham, 28 July 1764
(not seen).
CCB MN/3/321783. 1-9/9 Burdon, East; Cleadon Township, Far Whitburn. Bishopwearmouth
Parish). Original notitia & plans
CCB/D/1956/43/21454* 13 September 1852 R.W. Swinburn. Counterpart. Whitburn and
Cleadon quarries.
CCB B/162/4 (23376)* Survey of the Manor of Chester-le-Street made by order of Parliament
in April 1647. Includes the townships of Chester, East Boldon, West
Boldon, Whitburn, Cleadon, and Ryton.
CCB B/159/55 (57150.5) Cleadon, East and West Boldons, Whitburn and Ryton Rental for
CCB B/23/12 (189707) 21 September 1563 Rental of East Boldon, West Boldon, Whitburn and
DHC6/IV/57 6 May 1680* Copy of an indenture of award dated 6 May 1680 for the division of
the Moors and West Meadows in the parish of Whitburn.
DHC6/III/21* Whitburn and Cleadon (1718)
SCM TWCMS-B9482 Plan & section of an intended line of rail way from South Shields to
Monkwearmouth - surveyed by T. O. Blackett
Durham Record Office (DRO)
D/DLI 2/8/60(1)* Photograph of a trench, taken at Cleadon, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(2) * Photograph of a soldier on guard duty at Cleadon Meadows, .1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(3) * Photograph of a soldier, and a man in civilian dress, on deck chairs, in
front of an ammunition dump at Cleadon, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(4) * Photograph of soldiers of the 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry,
digging trenches at Cleadon, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(5)* Photograph of Lieutenant Leybourne, 8th Battalion, The Durham Light
Infantry, in a garden at Cleadon Meadows, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(6)* Photograph, captioned Transport Lorries, showing soldiers of the 8th
Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, standing in front of empty
carriages at Cleadon Meadows, c.1914
The Cleadon Village Atlas Report
©Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
D/DLI 2/8/60(7)* Photograph, captioned Transport Lorries, showing horses in a field at
Cleadon Meadows, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(8)* Photograph, captioned Transport Lorries, showing a soldier holding a
horse, and empty carriages at Cleadon Meadows, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(9)* Photograph of a tennis court in the gardens of a country house at
Cleadon Meadows, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(10)* Photograph of soldiers of the 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry,
relaxing under a bivouac at Cleadon Meadows, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(11)* Photograph, captioned Transport Lorries, showing soldiers attending to
horses at Cleadon Meadows, c.1914
Ref: D/DLI 2/8/60(12)* Photograph, captioned Transport Lorries, showing soldiers attending to
horses at Cleadon Meadows, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(13)* Photograph of a trench in a garden at Boldon, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(14)* Photograph of a soldier of the 8th Battalion, The Durham Light
Infantry, on the roof of a house, practicing signaling at Cleadon
Meadows, c.1914
D/DLI 2/8/60(15)* Photograph of a corporal and soldiers of the 8th Battalion, The
Durham Light Infantry, in a trench during rifle training at Boldon,
D/DLI 7/793/* Plan of the coastal defences of the Tyne Garrison, from the River Tyne
to Dene Mouth, by Lieutenant G.G. Wornum, 3rd Battalion, The
Durham Light Infantry, May 1917
D/DLI 2/8/60(16)* Photograph of trenches at Hylton, c.1914
DRO CCX/175 & 176 Air raid damage reports
DRO D/No1 (1772) Copy of Cleadon Enclosure (1676) held by Thomas Fenwick.
Other Resources:
Plume OS 354: Whitburn Moor Indenture (1680)