Checklist: Writing a Review Article
Designing Science Presentations by Matt Carter
© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
! Your review adds something new to
your field and does not duplicate
previously published reviews
! Your review has a clearly defined topic
and you have deliberately decided the
level of insight with which you discuss
the literature (e.g. explanation, analysis,
evaluation, proposal of new ideas)
! The title succinctly and accurately
describes the content of your review
! Your review contains several
subdivisions that provide organization
and structure
! The abstract provides a rationale for
why your subject matter is interesting,
the objective you hope to achieve in
your review, and an outline of the
information you present/discuss
! Information is presented in an orderly,
logical narrative rather than as a random
assortment of descriptions and citations
! The review contains multiple
informative figures and/or tables to
visually convey concepts and summarize
! The references you cite are the most
appropriate for describing previous
studies in the field and composed
primarily of recent primary research
articles (published within the last 2-4
years) instead of reviews
! Your review is capable of being
understood by scientists outside of your
field while remaining of interest to
scientists within your field
! The manuscript follows all directions
specified by the journal to which you are
! The manuscript is completely free of
errors, typos, and grammatical mistakes
! You have solicited and received
feedback from scientists, both in and out
of your field, in regard to both content
and style