A Vision on Intentions in Soware Engineering
Jacob Krüger
Eindhoven University of Technology
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Yi Li
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore, Singapore
Chenguang Zhu
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, USA
Marsha Chechik
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Thorsten Berger
Ruhr-University Bochum &
Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Bochum & Gothenburg
Germany & Sweden
Julia Rubin
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
Intentions are fundamental in software engineering, but they are
typically only implicitly considered through dierent abstractions,
such as requirements, use cases, features, or issues. Specically, soft-
ware engineers develop and evolve (i.e., change) a software system
based on such abstractions of a stakeholder’s intention—something
a stakeholder wants the system to be able to do. Unfortunately,
existing abstractions are (inherently) limited when it comes to rep-
resenting stakeholder intentions and are mostly used for document-
ing only. So, whether a change in a system fullls its underlying
intention (and only this one) is an essential problem in practice
that motivates many research areas (e.g., testing to ensure intended
behavior, untangling intentions in commits). We argue that none of
the existing abstractions is ideal for capturing intentions and con-
trolling software evolution, which is why intentions are often vague
and must be recovered, untangled, or understood in retrospect. In
this paper, we reect on the role of intentions (represented by
changes) in software engineering and sketch how improving their
management may support developers. Particularly, we argue that
continuously managing and controlling intentions as well as their
fulllment has the potential to improve the reasoning about which
stakeholder requests have been addressed, avoid misunderstand-
ings, and prevent expensive retrospective analyses. To guide future
research for achieving such benets for researchers and practition-
ers, we discuss the relationships between dierent abstractions and
intentions, and propose steps towards managing intentions.
Software and its engineering
Software creation and man-
software evolution, intention, quality assurance
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ESEC/FSE ’23, December 3–9, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA
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ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0327-0/23/12.
ACM Reference Format:
Jacob Krüger, Yi Li, Chenguang Zhu, Marsha Chechik, Thorsten Berger,
and Julia Rubin. 2023. A Vision on Intentions in Software Engineering. In
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference
and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE ’23),
December 3–9, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA,
5 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3611643.3613087
Software developers rely on various abstractions (e.g., features, re-
quirements, issues) to manage their software systems along the
dimensions of time (i.e., evolution) and space (i.e., functionali-
ties) [
]. Essentially, these abstractions aim to capture the inten-
tion of an involved stakeholder. For example, the feature request of a
stakeholder represents an intended functionality at an abstract level,
requirements specify the boundaries of this intention, a change to
the system implements the intended behavior, and a bug report
documents a violation of this intention (cf. Figure 1). Essentially,
we argue that many of the widely established abstractions used in
software engineering implicitly describe stakeholder intentions.
While such abstractions are widely used in practice, we argue
that we should reect on the abstractions’ relations to stakeholder
intentions as a potential means for better connecting, explaining,
and managing these intentions. In fact, we have found that, in prac-
tice, developers use issue and pull-request templates
to describe
the intended evolution of their system. Moreover, researchers have
proposed various techniques to analyze, manage, and reverse en-
gineer information on dierent abstractions and the underlying
intentions. Most prominently, researchers have worked on recov-
ering and untangling [
] intentions, testing as a means
to ensure intended behavior [
], or verifying changes against a
specied intention [22, 29].
Apparently, developers as well as researchers care about know-
ing and specifying intentions. Particularly, we consider software-
change intentions (SCIs) as an interesting notion that can help de-
scribe a developer’s underlying intention for changing a system
(e.g., xing a bug, refactoring, implementing a requested feature)
and that can connect other, more established abstractions intu-
itively to each other. However, existing attempts for managing SCIs
focus on documenting (e.g., pull-request templates) or recovering
ESEC/FSE ’23, December 3–9, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA Jacob Krüger, Yi Li, Chenguang Zhu, Marsha Chechik, Thorsten Berger, and Julia Rubin
typical software-development workflow
lazy check
software changes
requirementsfeature request bug reporttest casesreviewcommit message pull request
eager declaration
verify control
deriving intention specification
vision for a controlled software-development workflow
implementing intention conformance checking against specification
Figure 1: Sketch of a typical software-development workow (top) and its relations to our vision for a more controlled workow
based on explicitly specied SCIs (bottom).
them after the fact. In the former case, we cannot ensure that the
documented SCI aligns with the actual change; in the later case,
a tangled or wrong SCI may already be in the system. Both cases
are lazy strategies for managing SCIs, and can easily lead to bugs,
cluttered version histories [
], or additional eorts when review-
ing and quality assuring a system [
]. Moreover, recovering and
potentially untangling SCIs after they have been implemented is
costly and cognitively challenging [
], especially because only
the actual developer knows what their concrete SCI was. Conse-
quently, research on software engineering and evolution also faces
challenges, for instance, when the goal is to identify and investigate
bug-inducing or refactoring changes.
In this paper, we reect on existing abstractions in software
engineering and their connections to intentions as represented
in changes (i.e., SCIs). We argue that research into this direction
can help researchers obtain a better conceptual understanding of
software development that, in turn, can guide the design of novel
techniques. As a concrete instantiation for tackling the aforemen-
tioned problems, we sketch the idea of employing an eager strategy
for managing SCIs (cf. Figure 1). Specically, we outline how em-
pirically collected and formally declared SCIs can help (i) control
that only a specic SCI can be employed, (ii) verify that a change
matches its SCI, and (iii) ensure a reliable documentation through-
out a system’s evolution. Since this is a long-term vision that is
challenging to achieve, we propose intermediate steps for moving
into this direction and obtaining novel insights in the mean time.
We reect on the notion of SCIs as a helpful means for software
engineering by discussing the use of dierent software-engineering
abstractions, reviewing related work, and considering observations
we made in open-source as well as industrial projects.
Reection on Research. In research, many techniques and tools
aim to recover some form of SCIs from version histories, for in-
stance, to identify refactorings [28] or refactor the version history
itself [
]. Other researchers have focused on measuring eorts
based on SCIs or predicting and understanding the impact of cer-
tain SCIs [
]. Consequently, having more control and a better
mapping of SCIs to the actual changes is highly interesting for
researchers. This promotes our vision of managing and controlling
SCIs via eagerly specifying them (cf. Figure 1), allowing to con-
trol the fulllment of SCIs, to automatically and reliably document
changes, and thus to improve data quality, reliability, as well as
analyses for researchers and practitioners.
Already in 1976, Swanson [
] started to classify SCIs by dening
high-level maintenance activities, namely:
Adaptive changes are intended to update or modify a sys-
tem to keep it compatible, for instance, with the underlying
hardware or other systems.
Corrective changes are intended to x bugs, design aws,
or security issues in the system.
Enhancive (added later) changes are intended to add new
functionality (or tests) to a system, providing new features
with specic requirements to the stakeholders.
Perfective changes are intended to improve the system, for
instance, by optimizing its properties, refactoring code, or
deprecating functionality.
Such SCIs have been used extensively to classify changes, but they
are rather abstract and more ne-grained SCIs are likely more
helpful for researchers and developers—also to untangle changes
with multiple SCIs. A lot of research has built upon this idea and
achieved several advancements [
], even
though recovering SCIs is less reliable than controlling them from
the beginning.
Reection on Practice. A more interesting perspective is the prac-
tical point of view. On the top of Figure 1, we sketch an abstracted
development workow that may occur in open-source or industrial
projects: Some stakeholder raises a feature request (their inten-
tion for the system), which is rened based on requirements (the
boundaries of the intention), and then implemented in a change.
Already at this point, misunderstandings between dierent stake-
holders (e.g., customer, developer) can cause severe gaps and faults
in an intention’s specication—which is why extensive research has
focused on managing features and requirements [
Typically, developers document their implemented SCI via com-
mit messages and pull requests, which, however, are no check
whether this (and only this) SCI has been properly implemented.
For instance, GitHub allows developers to create templates for is-
sues and pull requests. The templates dene a rough corpus of
what information a developer or user should provide when they
create issues or pull requests. Over time, such templates have be-
come somewhat common, with various standard templates being
collected in dierent repositories.
In fact, searching for “add pull
request template” returns roughly 5 million issues and 250 thousand
commits on GitHub, with large projects using such templates to
structure their documentation and communication, for instance, by
A Vision on Intentions in Soware Engineering ESEC/FSE ’23, December 3–9, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA
updating their templates to align them to their needs.
Such tem-
plates involve dierent types of information, such as a descriptions
of what the issue or pull request is about; links to related documen-
tation (e.g., pull requests linking to a respective issue); checklists
for conrming to project styles or testing practices; and regularly a
selection of the type of change employed, which represents the SCI.
Even more, developers have derived tools for checking that pull
requests align to the specied templates, for instance, the RedHat-
powered Tyr.
However, such templates are only used to document changes,
and the tools can only enforce that the developer lls in information
according to the template. Whether that information is correct and
whether it reects the changes implemented in the pull request
cannot be veried using such templates. For instance, a developer
may state in the template that their SCI is to x a certain bug and
that the pull request passed all corresponding test cases. But, the
developer may have also refactored the system or xed another
bug. So, the information in the template may not fully represent
the actual intention underlying the pull request—it is up to the de-
veloper or reviewer to ensure that. Also, reviewers and testers have
to check that the implemented change does not conict with the
actual SCI. Specically, we can consider test cases as specications
for controlling the fulllment of intentions, but whether the test
cases properly reect that intention is also an open problem. We
argue that it can be helpful to specify SCIs eagerly in the develop-
ment to control its fulllment (i.e., allowing only changes to x a
bug if that SCI is declared), rather then reviewing and testing it
lazily after the implementation.
Summary. Reecting on these two perspectives, we perceive our
vision of managing software evolution via declaring SCIs as highly
valuable for researchers and practitioners alike. To use a simple
sketch based on Figure 1: We can imagine that an organization
wants to control that (at least) bug xes are completely separated
from any other changes to reduce interferences caused by, for in-
stance, tangled refactorings. So, the organization derives a specica-
tion for bug-xing or even more ne-grained SCIs (i.e., corrective).
The specication may then build on a well-dened test suite (as
one example) and declare the conditions for the dierent types
(as far as possible) of SCIs. As a simple and incomplete example,
such a declaration could be: A corrective SCI is fullled when the
corresponding test cases before the change failed (i.e., identied a
bug) and then completely pass afterwards. Here, executing the test
suite against the system version before and after a change could suf-
ce, and could be implemented as one technique to check that the
SCI conforms with its specication. As a consequence, if a change
would x the bug and align to the dened rules, the conformance
check would approve that the SCI of the change is fullled.
Note that this is a simple and limited example. We are convinced
that a single technique is unlikely to ensure the fulllment of a SCI,
which is already the case for our test-based example. Specically,
test cases may also tangle intentions or misrepresent them. More-
over, the exact meaning, dierences, and possible specications for
the various types of SCIs are rather vague. As a consequence, we
see the need to better explore dierent types and granularities of
SCIs, aiming to understand how to distinguish them. Then, starting
with a few concrete SCIs, we can explore how well specications
and techniques can help to clearly identify, specify, and control SCIs
in a change. This is clearly a challenging and long-term research
vision, but we are convinced that it can lead to immense benets
regarding the management and evolution of software systems as
well as their consequent quality. For example, to explore the fea-
sibility and real-world potential of our idea in the short-term, we
envision that, instead of controlling SCIs eagerly, we collect and
develop concepts for lazily checking SCIs (cf. Figure 1).
At the bottom of Figure 1, we sketch a coarse overview of our vision
for improving the management of SCIs. For example, imagine an
organization that wants to control the evolution of its software
system using branches. Specically, the developers may be allowed
to create a branch, but they have to declare what they intend to
implement in that branch (e.g., xing a bug). Our idea is to design
a technique that could then control that only the specied SCI can
be executed and integrated back into the main system. This would
result in a more understandable version history by avoiding tangled
SCIs, limit quality problems, facilitate comprehension of changes
and version histories, simplify code transplantation, improve docu-
mentation, and simplify automated analyses—among many more
benets. Next, we describe this idea in more detail. Note that an
organization or developer community must dene the extent to
which they employ and control SCIs, but we envision developing
techniques and tools that provide a reusable foundation.
First, for each of the SCIs, we have to derive an intention
specication. This specication shall dene the properties and
values of each SCI, such as a unique identier to track every change,
what properties have to hold to verify that the SCI is fullled, or
what types of checks will be executed. We consider the specication
to serve as the foundation against which a change will be veried.
As a consequence, an intention specication must be associated
with a certain type of change (e.g., commit or branch level). Note
that the intention specications can be employed already when a
change starts to eagerly control its fulllment, or the changes can
be lazily checked against the specication to assess a change after
the fact. For managing the dierent specications, we can envision
an intention meta model that describes what types of SCIs are
allowed, how these are specied, and on what level of abstraction
they are executed. Building on our insights from a literature review
and own work on such specications [
], we understand that
SCIs can be on various levels of abstraction, such as the high-level
intentions of adaptive, corrective, enhancive, and perfective that build
on the taxonomy of Swanson
down to low-level intentions of
adding a feature or xing a bug. The SCIs that are relevant for an
organization, their boundaries, and their granularity can be dened
or selected by the organization or researchers.
Second, we aim to implement conformance checks that ensure
that an implemented change fullls its specied SCI. Specically,
we envision that several techniques are integrated into an inten-
tion library to distinguish and check SCIs based on the dened
specications as well as meta model. For our long-term vision, we
envision to incorporate these checks continuously, enabling novel
ESEC/FSE ’23, December 3–9, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA Jacob Krüger, Yi Li, Chenguang Zhu, Marsha Chechik, Thorsten Berger, and Julia Rubin
techniques to check that SCIs are fullled throughout the entire
system evolution. Depending on which strategy an organization
employs (i.e., lazily checking, eagerly controlling), such a library
can warn about violations of SCIs or not even allow developers
to execute such violations. We argue that various dierent tech-
niques can and must be used to balance each technique’s strengths
and weaknesses, for instance, test cases, software verication, or
formalized operations on the system. Notably, dening the inten-
tion specications and how to execute corresponding conformance
checks lazily or eagerly is the most challenging aspect of our idea.
To advance towards our vision of improving software evolution,
we see several open research gaps. In the following, we describe
these gaps, sketch some rst steps into each direction, and what
(intermediate) benets addressing these gaps can yield.
Understanding Intentions. A primary step to specify intentions is
to understand how developers are expressing, using, and reecting
on what types of SCIs. This way, we are able to identify in what
context SCIs are relevant to them and for what purposes SCIs are
used. As a step towards this direction, we need empirical studies, for
instance, on pull-request templates (e.g., whether they are used and
enforced, what they exhibit) or developers’ cognition (e.g., whether
they are thinking about and in terms of SCIs [
]). Before eliciting a
complete model of SCIs, we see this as benecial to understand how
developers interact and behave with their software systems and its
evolution. Understanding such aspects would greatly help design
novel concepts for program comprehension and adapt existing
solutions to new foundational insights on developers’ cognition.
Intended versus Actual Change. Stakeholders and developers
usually have a particular SCI in mind, for instance, adding a new
feature (i.e., enhancive). However, this SCI may not be implemented
as planned, leading to misbehavior or bugs, due to the actual change.
As a result, corrective or perfective changes are needed, aiming to
get the actual behavior in line with the intended one. So, in addition
to one of such four classes, each change may also be distinguished
based on whether it fullls its SCI. Identifying changes that do
not fulll their SCI can help developers identify bugs faster and
avoid the propagation of faulty code. Also, understanding the root
causes for a mismatch in intended and actual behavior is key to
dene specications for SCIs, since they represent under what
circumstances such specications are violated.
Behavior-Changing versus Behavior-Preserving Intention.
While most changes are intended to change system behavior (e.g.,
xing a bug, adding new functionality), others are not (e.g., refac-
toring, ensuring compatibility with hardware). So, some SCIs can
also be considered as behavior preserving. This distinction can help
identify changes relevant for certain software-engineering activi-
ties, but most importantly, it is arguably much more challenging to
specify behavior-preserving SCIs. For example, refactorings should
be behavior preserving, and knowing the corresponding changes
can facilitate library adaptations, merging, or cherry-picking by
indicating that no behavioral adaptations are required. In contrast,
a bug x should change (i.e., correct) behavior, which is why such
changes could be identied with tests, and could help evaluate the
quality and completeness of a test suite.
Tangled SCIs. In our ideal scenario, every change (e.g., in the
form of a commit) would represent a single, correctly implemented
SCI. However, in practice, changes often comprise multiple tangled
SCIs, for instance, xing a bug (i.e., corrective) and refactoring
(i.e., perfective) [
]. Such SCI-tangling changes are problematic,
since they are harder to comprehend for developers, complicate
integration, and challenge analysis tools. For example, developers
may want to cherry-pick and propagate a particular intention that is
tangled with other intentions. If these SCIs cannot be identied and
separated, the developers need to propagate additional, unwanted
changes to ensure correct behavior [
]. Achieving the ideal of a
one-to-one mapping between intentions and changes would help
facilitate support for such use cases. So, we argue that methods
and techniques for untangling SCIs (e.g., splitting a commit into
multiple) are important.
Declaring SCIs. Building on insights for the previous points, we
will be able to dene specications for SCIs, that is, some form of
declaration developers can use to ensure and control that only a
specic SCI is fullled. While there have been some attempts, such
a declaration is highly challenging (i.e., dening clear boundaries
between specic SCIs), and poses immediate new questions. For
instance, we have to dene whether missing declarations for some
changes, SCIs, or parts of a software system will mean that other
declarations become invalid. Moreover, we need to identify what
we need to declare on what level of detail in what format (e.g., via
annotations or integrated tooling), and how to maintain the decla-
rations themselves. The declarations then serve as the foundation
for actually controlling software evolution.
Developing an SCI-Management Framework. Recovering SCIs
for existing systems is important to analyze and introduce SCIs in
real-world settings. To enable such an analysis, we seek a frame-
work that incorporates dierent techniques for recovering SCIs.
The framework must enable its users to make sense of unique,
incomplete, inconclusive, and diverging classications of SCIs re-
covered from each technique. Building on the insights gained for
the previous directions, we aim to advance towards a management
framework that enables developers to eagerly declare and control
SCIs for software engineering. So, instead of recovering SCIs when
needed, they could be used as the primary notion for managing a
system. Ideally, this can help address the problems we highlighted,
and thus facilitate developers’ tasks.
In this paper, we reected on the notion of intentions in software en-
gineering and sketched a vision for using SCIs to manage software
evolution. Our long-term vision is to declare and specify SCIs to de-
ne what developers are allowed to implement for a certain (set of)
changes, for instance, in a pull request. As guidance, we sketched
future research directions, which are primarily connected to:
Empirically analyzing SCIs, including their relevance for
developers, their tangling, and how to distinguish them.
Designing techniques for specifying and checking SCIs.
Engineering tools for fully and eagerly controlling software
evolution based on SCIs.
This as an ambitious research agenda, but already even steps will
yield novel insights to help improve research and practice.
A Vision on Intentions in Soware Engineering ESEC/FSE ’23, December 3–9, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA
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