Automatic Pull Request Title Generation
Ting Zhang, Ivana Clairine Irsan, Ferdian Thung, DongGyun Han, David Lo and Lingxiao Jiang
School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University
Email: {tingzhang.2019, ivanairsan, ferdianthung, dhan, davidlo, lxjiang}
Abstract—Pull Requests (PRs) are a mechanism on modern
collaborative coding platforms, such as GitHub. PRs allow
developers to tell others that their code changes are available
for merging into another branch in a repository. A PR needs
to be reviewed and approved by the core team of the repository
before the changes are merged into the branch. Usually, reviewers
need to identify a PR that is in line with their interests before
providing a review. By default, PRs are arranged in a list view
that shows the titles of PRs. Therefore, it is desirable to have a
precise and concise title, which is beneficial for both reviewers
and other developers. However, it is often the case that developers
do not provide good titles; we find that many existing PR titles
are either inappropriate in length (i.e., too short or too long) or
fail to convey useful information, which may result in PR being
ignored or rejected. Therefore, there is a need for automatic
techniques to help developers draft high-quality titles.
In this paper, we introduce the task of automatic generation of
PR titles. We formulate the task as a one-sentence summarization
task. To facilitate the research on this task, we construct a dataset
that consists of 43,816 PRs from 495 GitHub repositories. We
evaluated the state-of-the-art summarization approaches for the
automatic PR title generation task. We leverage ROUGE metrics
to automatically evaluate the summarization approaches and
conduct a manual evaluation. The experimental results indicate
that BART is the best technique for generating satisfactory PR
titles with ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L F1-scores of
47.22, 25.27, and 43.12, respectively. The manual evaluation also
shows that the titles generated by BART are preferred.
Index Terms—Summarization, GitHub, Pull-Request, Mining
Software Repositories
As an emerging paradigm, pull-based software develop-
ment has been widely applied in distributed software de-
velopment [1], [2]. With the pull-based development model,
the main repository of the project is not shared for direct
modification among contributors [3]. Instead, contributors fork
or clone the repository and make changes on their own branch.
When their changes are ready to be merged into the main
branch, they create Pull Requests (PRs); the core team (i.e.,
the integrators) then review the changes made in the PRs to
make sure that the changes satisfy functional (e.g., no compile
error and test failure) and non-functional requirements (e.g.,
abide to coding convention). They may propose corrections,
engage in discussion with the contributors, and eventually
accept or reject the changes [4]. PRs are utilized in nearly
half of the collaborative projects in GitHub [3]. Pull-request-
based development is usually associated with reduced review
times and a high number of contributions [5].
Generally, a PR consists of a title, a description (optional),
and a set of commits. The PR title and description are designed
to help the readers (not limited to integrators, but refers to
anyone reading the PR) grasp the context and purpose of the
PR. Frequently, a PR is linked with one or more issue reports.
Issue reports in issue tracking systems (e.g., GitHub issues) are
used to keep track of bugs, enhancements, or other requests.
Therefore, many PRs contain the identifiers of the linked issues
in their titles or descriptions. Since contributors often neglect
to write a PR description, the role of the PR titles is significant.
For example, 219,909 PRs (16.4%) do not have descriptions
among our collected 1,341,790 PRs.
Another common case is that PRs are displayed in a
list view by default so that only the title and other meta-
information (e.g., author name, tags, and PR id) are available.
In the absence of a PR description, a high-quality title becomes
more important for readers to understand the intention of a PR.
There are other ways to figure out what a PR is about, such as
direct interaction with the PR’s owner, or checking the details
like commit messages and linked issues. However, these are
certainly inefficient for software maintenance.
In addition, PRs usually have a fast turnaround: they are
either processed fast or left open for a long time without merg-
ing to the main branch [1]. In large projects, it is a challenge
for integrators to handle a high volume of incoming PRs [3].
Prior research [6] on bug reports has shown that well-written
bug reports are more likely to gain the triager’s attention and
influence on deciding whether a bug gets fixed. Similarly, the
quality of PR, such as length of title and description, has a
significant impact on PR evaluation latency [7]. Intuitively,
PR titles serve as the first criterion for integrators to decide
whether certain PRs are relevant to their expertise, which can
potentially speed up the review process. Nowadays, the quality
of PR descriptions has gained more attention in practice:
many Git service providers support software maintainers to use
templates to improve the quality of PR descriptions.
there is no emphasis on helping developers compose high-
quality PR titles.
To fill in this gap, we aim for automatic generation of
PR titles to compose accurate and succinct PR titles. We
formulate the automatic PR title generation task as a one-
sentence summarization task. Its goal is to produce a concise
and informative target sequence of tokens (title), which is a
summary of the given source sequence of tokens.
As no prior work has been devoted to this task before,
we conducted a comprehensive evaluation on the effective-
arXiv:2206.10430v2 [cs.SE] 30 Jun 2022
ness of ve state-of-the-art summarization methods on the
automatic PR title generation, including both general-purpose
and domain-specific summarization methods. Some of these
methods are extractive (i.e., they extract the sentences from
the source sequence and then concatenate them to form
the target sequence), while others are abstractive (i.e., they
generate the target sequence with sentences that are different
from the original sentences in the source sequence). For
general-purpose summarization methods, we have identified
three approaches: BERTSumExt [8], BART [9], and Text-
To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) [10]. BERTSumExt [8]
is an extractive summarization method that utilizes the pre-
trained bidirectional encoder representations from Transform-
ers (BERT) [11]. BART [9] and T5 [10] are two large pre-
trained Transformer-based architectures, which can be used
for abstractive summarization. For domain-specific summa-
rization methods, we evaluate two methods, i.e., PRSumma-
rizer [12] originally designed for PR description generation
and iTAPE [13] initially designed for issue title generation.
Another related paper is by Liu et al. [14] that proposed
a Stack Overflow title generation approach; However the
underlying model of their method is T5, which is already
included in the general-purpose summarization method.
Specifically, in the work, we would like to answer two
Research Questions (RQs) to understand the performance of
different methods on the PR title generation task:
RQ1: In terms of automatic evaluation, how do different
methods perform on the PR title generation task?
RQ2: To what extent can the best performing approaches
automatically generate PR titles as developers would do?
Due to the lack of a suitable dataset, we construct a dataset
named PRTIGER (Pull Request Title Generation), which is the
first dataset that can be leveraged for PR title generation. Our
focus is to help contributors to compose non-trivial PR titles,
which aims to help integrators to grasp the main changes made
in the PRs. We identified and applied several rules to keep the
PR titles that suit the use scenario. In the end, we have 43,816
PR titles belonging to 495 GitHub repositories in PRTiger.
The source sequence in the dataset is the concatenation of
PR description, commit messages, and linked issue title, with
an average length of 114 words. The target sequence is the
corresponding PR title, with an average length of 7 words.
ROUGE metrics [15], the standard metrics for auto-
matic evaluation of summarization technique effectiveness, are
adopted to evaluate model performance. We also conducted
a manual evaluation by inviting three evaluators. For each
sample, the evaluators were asked to score three titles by
reading the source sequence. The titles generated by the
automatic methods and the original human-written titles were
randomly shuffled. Evaluation criteria include correctness,
naturalness, and comprehensibility. The details can be found
in Section V-B. The results suggest that BART outperforms
the other techniques in terms of both automatic and manual
evaluation. To conclude, our main contributions are threefold:
We introduce the task of automatic PR title generation.
We construct a dataset named PRTIGER, which consists of
43,816 PRs from GitHub for the PR title generation task.
PRTiger is the first benchmark for this task.
We conduct evaluation of state-of-the-art summarization
methods, including extractive (Oracle extraction, BERT-
SumExt [8]) and abstractive ones (PRSummarizer [12],
iTAPE [13], BART [9], and T5 [10]). The evaluation
includes both automatic evaluation and manual evaluation
from multiple aspects. The results show that BART outper-
forms other approaches by significant margins.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion II describes the background, including motivation, the
usage scenario, and problem formulation. Section III gives
details about the process to construct the PRTiger dataset. We
give an introduction to all the summarization methods we eval-
uated in Section IV. We describe the experimental settings in
Section V and present results of our experiments in Section VI.
Section VII presents qualitative analysis and threats to validity.
We also discuss related work in Section VIII. We conclude this
paper and present future directions in Section IX.
In this section, we first present the motivation and the usage
scenario of automatic PR title generation. Next, we discuss
about problem formulation and list some challenges.
A. Motivation
A good PR title should accurately summarize what the PR
is about. An appropriate PR title would help the PR readers
to set their minds on what things they would expect to read
from the PR. However, many PR titles failed to accurately and
succinctly summarize the PR content.
For example, Example 1 in Table I has a very short title,
with only one word. It does not summarize the PR well. In this
example, the PR description is absent. A good PR title would
save readers’ time from checking the details of commits. The
current title fails to make a clear summary of the PR. Generally
speaking, PR titles with very few words are unlikely to convey
enough information for readers to grasp the PR content.
On the other hand, as admitted by the PR author that they
had limited experience in rebase, Example 2 in Table I shows
a relatively long title which failed to concisely summarize the
PR as well. In this example, the PR description is taken straight
from a static template, which includes several checkboxes. Yet,
except for the template itself, the PR author did not write
anything else in the description. The current PR title itself is
lengthy and does not summarize the changes. Usually, lengthy
titles do not succinctly summarize the source sequence and
may be written by contributors with limited experience, as
shown in Example 2.
These poorly-written PR titles motivate us to resort to an
automatic approach to help contributors compose titles. Auto-
matic PR title generation methods would make the process of
submitting new PRs and integrating PRs more efficient. They
are helpful to contributors as they can reduce contributors’
burden on writing. The generated high-quality PR title is then
beneficial to integrators as well, as it can potentially save their
time and speed up the reviewing process.
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Title: Various.
Description: None
Commit Message:
support string
support int
refactor(lexer): rename
to scanner, use ints, etc.
Issue: None
Title: Please let me know if this is a sufficient translation and I can do more...
I’m kinda new to rebase, so forgive me if I’m doing this wrong
Description First of all, thanks for your contribution! :-) Please makes sure these
boxes are checked before submitting your PR, thank you!
Make sure you propose PR to correct branch: bugfix for master, feature for
latest active branch feature-x.x.
Make sure you follow antd’s code convention.
Run npm run lint and fix those errors before submitting in order to keep
consistent code style.
Rebase before creating a PR to keep commit history clear.
Add some descriptions and refer relative issues for you PR.
Commit Message:
testing translation
adding advanced search
Issue: None
Title: Revert "Add godot version in
backtrace message"
Description: Reverts #28572
The idea is good, but we can’t
use the configurable crash han-
dler message to display the version
string, it should be hardcoded in
the crash handler print code for
each platform instead.
Commit Message:
Revert "Add godot version in back-
trace message"
Issue: None
B. Usage Scenario
The considered usage scenario in our work could be stated
as follows: When a contributor is drafting a new PR, an
automatic approach can help them compose a title that contains
an overview of the changes made in the PR. Ideally, the PR
title should cover the information from commit messages and
also the issue information if the PR is resolving or is linked to
any issue. This automatic title generation approach will save
contributors’ time from thinking about how to write a succinct
summary for their PR contents, so they can focus on writing
a detailed description.
C. Problem Formulation
We formulate the PR title generation task as a one-sentence
summarization task [13]. For simplicity, we refer to a concate-
nation of PR descriptions, commit messages, and linked/re-
solved issue titles as a source sequence, and the PR title as
a target sequence in the rest of our paper. We will also use
target and title to refer the PR title interchangeably. For a PR
title generation model, the input is the source sequence, and it
is supposed to generate a PR title, which is the one-sentence
summary of the source sequence.
In this work, we focus on generating non-bot written and
non-trivial PR titles. Trivial PR titles are those that are au-
thored by humans and can be written with minimal effort since
PRs handle common tasks. One such example is Example 3
in Table I. In this example, the PR description contains the ID
and the description of PR that needs to be reverted. The title
Revert “Add godot version in backtrace message" is sufficient
to understand the purpose of this PR. The type of PR titles
does not ask for summarization ability. A concatenation of a
keyword (i.e., revert) and the title of the PR that needs to
be reverted would suffice and considered to be a common and
good practice. For bot-written titles, contributors do not need
to bother writing titles. Thus, for bot-written and trivial titles,
there is no need for an automatic approach to help compose
PR titles.
The PR title generation task is similar to PR description
generation [12] and title generation for issues [13] and Stack
Overflow posts [14]. However, the PR title generation task has
its own unique challenges: (1) Compared to the title generation
task for issues/Stack Overflow posts, in the PR title generation
task, there is a semantic gap between different resources, i.e.,
PR description, commit messages, and issues. In particular,
the two resources of our input sequence: the linked issue and
the PR description are generally written by different authors
(issue reporter and issue triager, respectively); (2) Compared
to the PR description generation task, the target sentence (PR
title) is quite short and it has to be as concise and precise as
possible. The four tasks are complementary to each other and
help reduce the workload of developers in different ways.
As there is no existing dataset for PR title generation,
we decide to build the first benchmark dataset for this task.
In this work, we experimented with GitHub data due to
its popularity. Although Liu et al. [12] shared a dataset for
the PR description generation task, they did not include the
titles of PRs in their dataset. In addition, their dataset only
contains engineered Java projects, which may lack diversity.
Therefore, a new dataset containing PR titles gathered from
various programming language repositories is needed. We first
collected the data; next, we filtered out PRs which did not
belong to the usage scenario we focused on in this work.
Then, we filtered out the content from PRs which do not help
to generate accurate and succinct PR titles.
A. Data Collection
To collect PR data from GitHub, we firstly got 7 repos-
itory lists: Top-100 most-starred and Top-100 most-forked
repositories (regardless of programming language); Top-100
most-starred repositories that are written primarily in one
of the following languages: JavaScript, Python, Java, C,
Starts with (lowercased) Example Title
automated cherry pick of Automated cherry pick of #12022
#13148 upstream release 1.0
merge to Merge to live part 2 on 4-27
revert Revert "Add log_only to debug mes-
rolling up Rolling up changes to staging from
rolling down Rolling down changes from staging
to master
roll engine Roll engine dart roll 20180920
rollup of Rollup of 5 pull requests
roll plugins Roll Plugins from 6d8ea78c5da1 to
361567b9189c (4 revisions)
update live with current master Update live with current master
and C++.
The number of stars and the number of forks
are two different metrics in GitHub: The number of star
means how many people click on the repository to show
their appreciation. A fork is a copy of a repository and
the number of forks indicates how many people copied this
project. The Top-100 most-starred and most-forked reposito-
ries cover a wide range of programming languages, e.g., Shell
(ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh), Go (kubernetes/kubernetes),
and TypeScript (microsoft/vscode). Given the 7 lists
have common repositories, after removing redundancies, in
total we crawled 578 distinct repositories. We collected the
PRs from each repository using GitHub GraphQL API.
each repository, we only kept the merged PRs that were pub-
lished up to December 31, 2021. Given a merged PR published
before the year 2022, we retrieved its title, description, commit
messages, and linked issues. In total, we collected 1,341,790
merged PRs from the 578 GitHub repositories.
B. Data Preprocessing
Selecting PRs. For each PR, to better simulate the scenario
when a contributor opens a new PR, we first removed the
commits submitted after the PR was created. Then, following
Liu et al. [12], we filtered out the PRs which have less than two
commits or more than 20 commits. As Liu et al. pointed out,
we can directly use the commit message as the PR title if a PR
only contains one commit, and a PR with too many commits
is usually used for synchronization purpose instead of being a
typical contribution from developers. We also removed the PRs
(1) containing non-ASCII characters; (2) authored by bots. In
addition, we also filtered out the PRs which contain trivial
titles, where automatic methods for generating PR titles are
not needed. We mainly identified the following four types of
trivial titles: (1) Recurrent titles. Table II shows the templates
which occurred prominently in our collected PRs. If any PR
title starts with these patterns, we exclude it. (2) Too short or
The detailed repository lists are available here:
With < 2 or > 20 With non-ASCII Authored With trivial
commits characters by bot titles
1,147,734 16,396 1,642 111,780
PRs Left Total PRs Collected
51,753 1,341,790
too long titles. Following the dataset building rules used by
iTAPE [13], we excluded the titles with less than 5 words or
more than 15 words. Similar to Chen et al. [13], we observe
that PR titles having 5-15 words are of reasonably appropriate
length to precisely and succinctly describe key ideas. (3) Titles
with limited overlap with the source sequence. If 20% of the
words in the title were not present in the source sequence, we
considered the title not to be a good summary of the source
sequence and therefore excluded it from the dataset. (4) Titles
were copied from the source sequence. We first lowercased
both the title and the source sequence. If the title can be exactly
matched to the description or concatenation of the commit
messages, we removed the PR from the dataset as we consider
this PR as a bad example to train the model.
After selecting PRs based on the above criteria, we have
51,753 PRs left in the dataset. Table III shows the statistics of
our collected PRs.
Cleaning the selected PRs. We followed iTAPE [13] to
remove tags in the PR titles. We also followed PRSumma-
rizer [12] to (1) remove checklists in the source sequence;
and (2) remove identifiers in both source and target sequence.
We also added extra steps: (1) Removing PR templates in the
source sequence. We first queried through the GitHub API
to find out whether a repository provided a PR template for
contributors to compose a PR description. If there was a PR
template, we saved the template string. In our dataset, 214 out
of 495 repositories provided a PR template at the time we
called the GitHub API. To remove the template information
from each PR, we first split the PR description into lines.
Then, for each line in the source sequence, if it can be matched
exactly to the template string, we removed it. Otherwise, we
kept the lines. By doing this, we reduced the noise in the
source sequence. (2) Removing automatically generated com-
mit messages in the source sequence. We observed that many
commit messages only convey the merge branch information,
e.g., Merge branch ‘master’ into tst-indexing-16. We used the
following four regular expressions to remove the automatically
generated commit messages: (1) merge .
? branch .
into (2) merge branch .
? into (3) merge pull
request \# and (4) merge branch \'.
After applying the pre-processing steps to our data, we
further excluded PRs which have less than 30 words or more
than 1,000 words. In the end, we have a dataset PRTiger
consisting of 43,816 PRs for experiments. We split PRTiger
into training, validation, and test sets with a ratio of 8:1:1.
Table IV shows the number of instances and the average word
count in the train, validation, and test set respectively.
Train Validation Test
Source Target Source Target Source Target
Instance # 35,052 35,052 4,382 4,382 4,382 4,382
Avg Word # 114 7 114 7 112 7
In this section, we elaborate on the summarization meth-
ods evaluated in this work. Summarization methods can be
broadly categorized into two groups, i.e., extractive methods
and abstractive methods [16]. An extractive summarization
method extracts sentences from the source sequence and then
concatenates them to form the target sequence. In contrast,
an abstractive summarization method represents the source
sequence in an intermediate representation. It then gener-
ates the target sequence with sentences that are different
from the original sentences in the source sequence [17]. We
experimented with state-of-the-art extractive and abstractive
methods. Their details can be found as follows:
A. Extractive Methods
We experimented with two extractive summarization meth-
ods, i.e., oracle extraction and BertSumExt [8].
Oracle Extraction: This is not a real approach. Instead, it
can be viewed as an upper bound of extractive summarization
methods or serve as a measure to gauge the capability of other
extractive summarization methods. Oracle extraction scores
have been commonly used in summarization literature for
comparison purpose [18], [19]. It may have different variants
depends on the specific task setting. In our work, oracle
extraction selects the sentence from the source sequence that
generates the highest ROUGE-2 F1-score compared to the
original title. We firstly split the PR description, commit
messages, and issue titles into sentences. Next, we computed
the ROUGE-2 F1-score of each sentence with the original PR
title. We selected the sentence with the highest ROUGE-2
F1-score as the generated title by this method. Since oracle
extraction needs the original title as a reference, it cannot be
applied in practice. However, it can be used for comparison
to understand other extractive methods’ performance.
BertSumExt [8]: BertSumExt is built on top of BERT-
based encoder by stacking several inter-sentence Transformer
layers. Specifically, for each sentence in the source sequence,
BertSumExt represents each sentence with the vector of the
i-th [CLS] symbol from the top layer. Then, several inter-
sentence Transformer layers are then stacked on top of BERT
outputs, to capture document-level features for extracting
sentences as the summary. BertSumExt achieves better results
with less requirement on the model, compared to other models
that enhance the summarization via the copy mechanism [20],
reinforcement learning [21], and multiple communicating en-
coders [22]. Identical to what we did in oracle extraction, we
also split PR description, commit messages, and issue titles
into sentences. BertSumExt will then give a score to each
sentence based on the suitability of becoming a summary.
BertSumExt was initially evaluated on three single-document
news summarization datasets, which could be summarized in
a few sentences. In the original implementation, BertSumExt
chooses the sentences with Top-3 highest scores as a summary.
As the PR title generation task was formulated as a one-
sentence summarization task, we take the Top-1 sentence as
the generated PR title.
B. Abstractive Methods
The two most-similar works are identified, i.e., PRSumma-
rizer [12] and iTAPE [13]. As they did not directly choose
the sentence from the source sequence, we also categorized
them into abstractive methods. Besides, we applied BART [9]
and T5 [10], which are state-of-the-art method for text sum-
marization. (we put the exact model version of the Hugging
Face transformers library that we use
in parentheses):
PRSummarizer [12]: This text summarization model was
designed to automatically generate PR descriptions from the
commits submitted with the corresponding PRs, which is a
sequence-to-sequence (Seq2seq) learning task. The underlying
model of PRSummarizer is the attentional encoder-decoder
model [23]. Besides, PRSummarizer can handle two unique
challenges, i.e., out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words and the gap
between the training loss function of Seq2seq models and the
discrete evaluation metric ROUGE. Especially, PRSummarizer
copes with OOV words by integrating the pointer genera-
tor [24]. The pointer generator either selects a token from
the fixed vocabulary or it will copy one token from the source
sequence at each decoding step. To minimize the gap between
the loss function and the ROUGE metrics, PRSummarizer also
leverages a reinforcement learning (RL) technique named self-
critical sequence training [25] and adopts a particular loss
function named RL loss [21].
iTAPE [13]: iTAPE uses a Seq2seq based model to generate
the issue title using the issue body. Specifically, iTAPE adopts
the attentional RNN encoder-decoder model. In addition, to
help the model process the low-frequency human-named to-
kens effectively, iTAPE firstly inserts additional “tag tokens”
before and after each human-named token, i.e., identifiers and
version numbers. These tag tokens are added to the issue
body to indicate their latent semantic meanings. Furthermore,
iTAPE adopts a copy mechanism [20], which allows the
model to copy tokens from the input sequence. The underlying
architecture is the pointer-generator [24], a commonly used
abstractive summarization approach before the dominant usage
of pre-trained models.
BART [9] (facebook/bart-base): is a Seq2seq au-
toencoder based on a standard Transformer [26] architecture.
The pre-training process of BART consists of two stages:
(1) corrupt the input text by using an arbitrary noising func-
tion and (2) a Seq2seq model is learned to reconstruct the
original text by minimizing the cross-entropy loss between
the decoder output and the original sequence. A number of
noising approaches are evaluated in the BART paper. The
best performance is achieved by adopting both the noising
methods, i.e., (1) randomly shuffling the order of the original
sentences, and (2) applying an in-filling scheme, where a
single mask token is used to replace arbitrary length spans
of text (including zero length). BART was pre-trained with
the same data as RoBERTa [27], i.e., 160GB of news, books,
stories, and web text. BART achieves new state-of-the-art
results on several text generation tasks, including abstractive
dialogue, question answering, and summarization tasks.
T5 [10] (t5-small): T5 is a pre-trained language model
which aims to convert all NLP tasks into a unified text-to-text-
format where the input and output are always text strings. The
advantage of this T5 text-to-text framework is that we can use
the same model, loss function, and hyper-parameters on any
NLP task. T5 is also based on the Transformer architecture.
Similar to BART, T5 was pre-trained on a masked language
modeling objective: contiguous spans of token in the input
sequence are replaced with a mask token and the model is
trained to reconstruct the masked-out tokens. Unlike BART,
T5 was pre-trained with the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus
(C4) dataset, which consists of 750GB of English text from
the public Common Crawl web scrape. T5 was reported to
achieve state-of-the-art results on many benchmarks including
summarization, question answering, and text classification.
This section describes the relevant design and settings of
our study. We list two research questions and the evaluation
metrics, and briefly describe the implementation details.
A. Research Questions
We would like to empirically evaluate the performance of
different approaches on the automatic PR title generation task.
The study aims to answer the following RQs:
RQ1: In terms of automatic evaluation, how do different
methods perform on the PR title generation task? Although
there is no prior work on automatically generating PR titles,
we choose the approaches from the two closest works [12],
[13] as the baselines. We used the implementations of these
two approaches on our task. For comparison, we also evaluated
the state-of-the-art general-purpose extractive and abstractive
summarization techniques.
RQ2: To what extent can the best performing approaches
automatically generate PR titles as developers would do?
Other than providing the results on automatic evaluation,
we also conducted a manual evaluation. Given the expense
to run manual evaluation, we only evaluated the two best-
performing methods on the automatic evaluation. We invited
three annotators who are not an author of this paper.
B. Evaluation Metrics
Automatic Evaluation Following the prior works [12],
[13], we use Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Eval-
uation (ROUGE) [15] to measure the quality of generated
Source <desc> this fixes #1551. servers now respond to un-
parseable arguments with the invalid_argument status
and the text of the deserialization error, instead of
crashing. </desc> <cmt> added failing tests for server
bad argument handling </cmt> <cmt> fixed server
to handle invalid arguments without breaking </cmt>
<iss> node rpc server cannot recover from malformed
requests </iss>
Original Title handle invalid arguments sent to the node server
BART fix server bad argument handling
T5 fix server to handle invalid arguments without break-
ing node
summaries for the summarization task. ROUGE-N measures
the overlap of n-grams [15] between the model-generated sum-
mary and the reference summary. The formulas to calculate
ROUGE-N can be shown as follows:
Count(overlapped_N _grams)
Count(N _grams_in_reference_summary)
Count(overlapped_N _grams)
Count(N _grams_in_generated_summary)
F 1
= 2 ×
× P
+ P
As the variable names suggest, R (recall) measures the per-
centage of the N-grams in the reference summary that has been
covered by the generated summary, and P (precision) presents
the percentage of N-grams in the generated summary that is,
in fact, relevant or needed. F1-score of the ROUGE scores
is used to represent and give an equal importance between
recall and precision. In this task, we report the precision,
recall, and F1-score of ROUGE-N (N=1,2) and ROUGE-
L from each method. ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-
L are commonly used in the literature to understand the
summary quality [12], [13]. ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-2 measure
the overlap of uni-grams (1-grams) and bi-grams (2-grams),
respectively. A uni-gram consists of a single word, while
a bi-gram consists of two consecutive words. Instead of n-
grams, ROUGE-L measures the longest common subsequence
between the reference summary and the generated summary.
We treat F1-score of ROUGE as the main summarization
performance measure. We first get the generated summaries
from each approach. For the ROUGE scores calculation, we
adopt the metric implemented in Hugging Face datasets
library [28].
Manual Evaluation In addition to automatic evaluation, we
also conducted a manual evaluation to better understand and
evaluate the quality of titles generated by different approaches.
Since ROUGE scores are calculated based on the overlap
of n-grams, the generated summaries may be semantically
incorrect, even with very high ROUGE scores. This is due
to the ROUGE scores limitation which only measures the
lexical similarity between two sentences. Hence, it cannot
gauge the comprehensibility of the summaries generated by
the model. [29] Thus, we sampled 150 PRs from the test set.
With this sample size, we can maintain the confidence level
of 92% with an 8% margin of error. Three evaluators were
invited to give the quality scores to the PR titles generated
by the two best approaches and the original titles written
by developers. All of the evaluators have more than 6-year
experience in programming and more than 5-year experience
using GitHub. They have a basic understanding of how pull-
based software development works (i.e., they are experienced
in making changes, pushing commits, writing issue reports,
and opening PRs).
The techniques used to generate titles are hidden from the
evaluators; they cannot judge based on the bias of knowing the
authorship. For each sample, evaluators were provided with
the source sequence along with three titles: two of the titles
are generated by the two best-performing approaches, i.e.,
BART and T5, and the rest is the original title. We randomly
shuffled the order of the three titles. To help the evaluators
read the source sequence clearly, we use <desc></desc>,
<cmt></cmt>, and <iss></iss> to enclose description,
commit messages, and linked issue titles, respectively. One
sample source sequence can be seen in Table V. Evaluators
were required to read through the source sequence and the
three titles. They were asked to score the three titles (1 - very
poor; 5 - very good) with regards to the following aspects:
Correctness: To which extent, do you think the title cor-
rectly summarize the source sequence?
Naturalness: To which extent, do you think the title is
resembling a human-written title?
Comprehensibility: To which extent, do you think the title
is easy to understand?
Additionally, they were also required to rank the three titles.
Their personal preference for these titles does not necessarily
base on the three criteria listed above. If the titles are the same,
they can rank two titles with the same rank. Otherwise, they
must give different ranks for each title.
C. Implementation Details
We run all the experiments with NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs.
For iTAPE, we preprocessed the identifier and version numbers
with the scripts provided by the authors.
For PRSumma-
rizer, we changed the vocabulary size from 50k to 200k to
handle the OOV issue. Given BART (BART-base, which
contains 140 millon parameters
) has more parameters than
T5 (T5-small, which contains 60 million parameters
), we
run BART with the batch size of 4; while 8 for T5. All the
remaining hyper-parameters were left as the default values.
The detailed default values can be found in our replication
A. RQ1: Comparison on Automatic Evaluation
To investigate how different approaches perform on the
PRTiger dataset, we firstly analyze model performance with
ROUGE metrics. Table VI shows the ROUGE scores from
the six approaches.
Firstly, looking at the length of generated titles, we can
observe that the extractive approaches produce longer titles
than the abstractive approaches. The average length of the titles
generated by extractive approaches highly relies on the length
of sentences selected from the dataset. Although we set the
extractive approaches to select a single sentence as a title,
they select longer titles. All the abstractive methods generate
titles in the average length of 6-8 words. The length range
is similar to the average length across all the data splits (See
Table IV). It indicates that abstractive methods generate titles
with an appropriate length, as it is capable of generating titles
with the average length similar to the average length of the
original titles.
Serving as the upper bound of extractive summarization
approaches, Oracle Extraction gives the highest ROUGE-1,
ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L F1-scores since it relies on the
original title. In comparison, BertSumExt gave ROUGE-1,
ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L F1-score of 37.64, 18.48, and
33.94. These scores were 20%, 38.9%, and 22.7% lower
than the Oracle Extraction. It suggests that, in practice, PR
titles have a considerable amount of overlap with the source
sequence. Yet, BertSumExt is not capable of selecting the
correct sentence every time.
Among the four abstractive approaches, BART and T5
achieved better performance than the two other abstractive
approaches. It demonstrates the power of pre-training in the
PR title generation. BART and T5 were both pre-trained with
large general-purpose corpora. Unlike these two approaches,
PRSummarizer and iTAPE were trained solely on the PRTiger
data, where PRSummarizer produces a better performance than
iTAPE. Considering PRSummarizer was originally proposed
for PR description generation, the data they used to evalu-
ate their approach has similar characteristics as PRTiger. In
addition, both PRSummarizer and iTAPE adopt the pointer
generator [24]. It suggests the importance of RL-loss in
PRSummarizer, which is used to minimize the gap between
the loss function and the ROUGE metrics.
Comparing extractive and abstractive methods, BART shows
an on-par performance as the Oracle Extraction, which in-
dicates that BART is capable of capturing key points from
the source sequence and generating precise PR titles. BART
outperforms the second-best approach T5 by 12.2%, 18.1%,
and 12.1%, in terms of ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L
F1-scores, respectively. Although T5 gives worse performance
than BART, it still outperforms the other approaches, i.e.,
PRSummarizer, by 10.9%, 18.9%, and 10% with regards to
ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L F1-scores, respectively.
Interestingly, BertSumExt gives an on-par performance as
PRSummarizer and it outperforms iTAPE. Given the words
Approach Avg. Length
Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
Oracle Extraction 13 47.61 55.74 46.97 32.51 34.04 30.25 44.88 51.33 43.91
BertSumExt 13 36.18 44.95 37.64 18.18 21.71 18.48 32.76 40.28 33.94
PRSummarizer 6 41.4 36.68 37.91 20.06 17.26 17.99 38.22 33.83 34.98
iTAPE 8 31.63 34.62 32.23 12.67 13.98 12.91 28.71 31.51 29.31
BART 7 50.03 46.98 47.22 27.15 24.96 25.27 45.71 42.85 43.12
T5 7 44.88 42.15 42.06 23.22 21.3 21.39 41.09 38.49 38.46
F1 F1 F1
BART in our work 47.22 25.27 43.12
Chen et al. [13] 31.36 13.12 27.79
Liu et al. [12] 34.15 22.38 32.41
Guo et al. [30] 53.02 22.06 50.24
in the PR, titles are not necessarily contained in the source
sequence, the PR title generation task is naturally an abstrac-
tive summarization task. However, as an extractive approach,
BertSumExt shows relatively good performance. It indicates
that, in practice, developers may draft titles based on existing
sentences, either in PR description or commit messages.
Other than comparing different approaches on the automatic
PR title generation task solely, we show the ROUGE F1-scores
from other related tasks. Chen et al. [13] work on the issue
title generation task, where the proposed approach is named
iTAPE and is evaluated in our work. Liu et al. [12] work on the
PR description generation task, where the proposed approach
is named PRSummarizer and is evaluated in our work as well.
Guo et al. [30] work on automated generation of lay language
summaries of biomedical scientific reviews. The ROUGE F1-
scores from the best performing method of these three tasks
are present in Table VII. According to the result, we can
find that BART in our work achieves a comparable-level of
performance on the automatic PR title generation task.
Automatic Evaluation The fine-tuned BART and T5
outperform all the other approaches. BertSumExt is on
par with the two existing approaches (PRSummarizier
and iTAPE). The best-performing approach, BART,
outperforms the second-best approach by 12.2%,
18.1%, and 12.1%, in terms of ROUGE-1, ROUGE-
2, and ROUGE-L F1-scores.
Fig. 1. Average scores from three evaluators
Fig. 2. Rank occurrences for the original titles and the titles generated by
BART and T5.
B. RQ2: Comparison on Manual Evaluation
Figure 1 shows the average scores regarding three aspects
from the three evaluators. BART is better than T5 in the
three aspects, which is in line with the automatic evaluation
results with ROUGE metrics. Surprisingly, we can see that
BART and T5 show higher scores than the original titles in
all three perspectives. It indicates that the titles generated
by automatic methods are more acknowledged than the titles
written by PR authors. Across the three aspects, we can find
that all the three approaches receive the lowest average scores
of correctness. They achieve slightly higher average scores
Source Sequence reduces checkstyle errors for patterns: api-
gateway lazy-loading leader-election changes in-
volved java docs reordering imports indentations
line length issues reduces checkstyle errors in
lazy-loading reduces checkstyle errors in leader-
election reduces checkstyle errors in api-gateway
Original Title resolves checkstyle errors for api-gateway, lazy-
loading, leader-election
BART resolves checkstyle errors for api-gateway lazy-
loading leader-election
T5 reduces checkstyle errors for patterns
BertSumExt reduces checkstyle errors for patterns : api -
gateway lazy - loading leader - election changes
involved java docs reordering imports indentations
line length issues
PRSummarizer reduces checkstyle errors for patterns: api-
iTAPE resolves checkstyle errors for patterns : api-
gateway lazy-loading
regards comprehensibility than naturalness. These results show
that although PR titles read like written by humans and are
easy to understand, they may not be correct enough from the
evaluators’ perspectives.
Figure 2 shows that for each rank, the percentage of differ-
ent approaches. Although the ranking is a relative order, it is
allowed to be subjective and solely based on the evaluators’
personal preference. For the best ones, we can find that BART
has been listed as the best one the most times. T5 comes the
second. Again, surprisingly, the original title is less preferred.
While a larger-scale study is required, our work provides
preliminary evidence that automatically generated PR titles are
readable and comprehensible to PR readers, i.e., have higher
scores in terms of correctness, naturalness, and comprehensi-
bility. In the sampled PR titles, automatically generated PR
titles are preferred over the original titles in most cases.
Manual Evaluation The PR titles generated by BART
gained the highest scores on correctness, naturalness,
and comprehensibility. T5 performs the second. They
are both preferred more than the original titles.
A. Qualitative Analysis
Composing PR titles is a non-trivial task, as it requires
both summarization ability and domain knowledge. Moreover,
PR titles are generally short. Here, we would like to seek
a qualitative understanding of the performance difference
between different approaches.
Automatic Evaluation. In Table VIII, we showcase one
example of titles produced by each approach and the orig-
inal title along with the source sequence. Note the source
sequence is the cleaned version used for the models to
generate titles. We use boldface to highlight the common part
between the text and the original title. All the approaches
can correctly generate checkstyle errors for, which
occurs several times in the source sequence. However, all
the approaches except BART generate the first word as
reduces, and they also generate pattern. It is natural, as
the first sentence in the source sequence contains reduces
and pattern as well. It is interesting to see that BART
does not directly take the first sentence. Besides, the body
does not even have the word resolve. We checked the
dataset and found that several PR titles in the same repository
(iluwater/java-design-pattern) followed the same
name style: resolves checkstyle errors for. The
following text differs among PRs. From this example, we can
find that BART can learn this title style instead of simply
choosing the first sentence. BART does not only use exactly
the same words from the source sequence. Instead, it could
correctly generate the words which are not present in the
source sequence. It shows BART has the promising ability
to be adopted in the automatic PR title generation task.
Manual Evaluation. In Table V, we show an example
from our sampled 150 PRs. All the evaluators indicate their
preference among the three titles as: BART > T5 > Original.
Firstly, this PR contains description, two commit messages
and linked issue. The original title uses handle, which
only appears in one of the commit messages. Besides, the
phrase sent to does not exist in the source sequence. In
comparison, the generated title from BART and T5 used fix,
which occur twice in the source sequence and all the words
in the generated titles are present in the source sequence. The
title generated by BART is shorter and summarizes the source
sequence well, while the title generated by T5 is longer and
covers more words from the source sequence.
We investigated PR titles with high comprehensibility scores
(i.e., all evaluators gave a score of >=4 for comprehensibility).
We found that a PR title is considered to be more compre-
hensible when: (1) It covers multiple sources of information,
e.g., sentences in the PR description and commit messages.
(2) It explicitly states that it fixes an issue or adds a feature
(e.g., usually starts with the word "fixed" or "added"). We also
investigated PR titles with low comprehensibility scores (i.e.,
all evaluators gave a score <=3 for comprehensibility). We
found that a PR title is considered to be less comprehensible
when: (1) the PR contains many commits but the PR title only
takes information from a few commit messages. (2) The PR
title has little connection with the PR description.
B. Threats to Validity
Threats to internal validity relate to the experimental bias.
Following the prior works in summarization studies [12], [13],
we adopted both automatic evaluation (i.e., ROUGE metrics)
and manual evaluation. Like other manual-involved evalua-
tions, our experimental results may be biased or inconsistent.
To mitigate this issue, we recruited 3 evaluators with 6+ years
of computer programming and 5+ years of experience in using
GitHub. They are familiar with the issue and code review
mechanism in GitHub.
Moreover, during the dataset building process, although we
have performed the selection heuristics, the remaining PR
titles that we use as ground truth for automatic evaluation
may not be the ideal ones. We use them as proxies of the
ideal reference titles for scalability reasons. There are a total
of 43,816 titles in our experimental dataset and crafting the
best possible reference titles for all of them manually is not
practically feasible. We address this limitation of the automatic
evaluation by manual evaluation; each of these evaluations has
its own limitations: automatic (quality of reference titles) vs.
manual (limited number of titles are considered).
Threats to external validity relate to whether our findings
can be generalized to other datasets. To alleviate the external
threats, we consider repositories from different programming
languages diverse. We also considered two metrics in GitHub:
Top-100 most-starred and Top-100 most-forked repositories.
Although we only included the repositories from GitHub,
we do not identify a large difference between repositories
from GitHub and those from other git service providers [31].
Therefore, we consider the external threat to be minimal.
In this section, we review the two lines of research most
related to our work: understanding pull requests and automatic
software artifact generation.
Understanding Pull Requests. Pull-based software devel-
opment has attracted more and more interest in research. Some
works focus on empirically understanding PRs. Gousios et
al. conducted two surveys to analyze the work practices and
challenges in pull-based development from the integrator’s [3]
and contributor’s [4] perspectives, respectively. In the first
piece of work, they found that integrators successfully use
PRs to solicit external contributions. Integrators concern with
two major factors in their daily work, i.e., (1) quality: both at
the source code level and tests (2) prioritization: typically they
need to manage a large number of contribution requests at the
same time. In the later one, they performed an exploratory
investigation of contributors to projects hosted on GitHub.
Their findings include, but are not limited to, the fact that
contributors are very interested in knowing project status for
inspiration and to avoid duplicating work, but they are not
actively trying to publicize the PRs they are preparing.
Other works are interested in solving PR-related tasks. Yu
et at. [32] studied the reviewer recommendation for PRs to
improve the PR evaluation process. They found that traditional
approaches (e.g., SVM-based) for bug triage are also feasi-
ble for PR reviewer recommendations. They also found that
combining the social factors (e.g., common interests among
developers) and technical factors (e.g., developer’s expertise)
is efficient to recommend reviewers. Jiang et al. [33] studied
the tag recommendation for PRs. They proposed FNNRec,
which uses a feed-forward neural network to analyze titles,
descriptions, file paths, and contributors, to help developers
choose tags. These prior works motivate our work to automat-
ically generate high-quality PR titles to benefit both developers
and reviewers. Besides, good PR titles can also be helpful for
downstream tasks which utilize PR titles.
Automatic Software Artifact Generation. Automatic soft-
ware artifact generation has gained emerging interests in SE
research. Existing works range from automatically generat-
ing release notes [34], bug reports [35], to commit mes-
sages [36]. Moreno et al. [34] introduced an automatic ap-
proach to generate release notes. The proposed approach
extracts changes from the source code, summarizes them,
and integrates the summary of changes with information from
versioning systems and issue trackers. Li et al. [35] proposed
an unsupervised approach for bug report summarization. The
approach leverages an auto-encoder network with evaluation
enhancement and predefined fields enhancement modules. Xu
et al. [36] proposed CODISUM to address the two limitations
of prior commit message generation task, i.e., ignoring the
code structure information and suffering from the OOV issue.
Specifically, to better learn the code changes representations,
they first extract both code structure and code semantics from
the source code changes, and then jointly model these two in-
formation sources. Moreover, they adopted a copy mechanism
to mitigate the OOV issue. We also mention iTAPE, an issue
title generation approach in Section IV. Our work and these
works are complementary. We all aim to promote automatic
generation in SE, while concentrating on different aspects.
In this paper, we propose the task of automatic generation of
PR titles. To facilitate the research on this task, we construct
a dataset named PRTiger, which consists of 43,816 PRs
from 495 GitHub repositories. We conducted both automatic
and manual evaluations on the state-of-the-art summarization
approaches for the automatic PR title generation task. The
experimental results indicate that BART is the most capable
technique for generating satisfactory PR titles with ROUGE-
1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L F1-scores of 47.22, 25.27, and
43.12, respectively. Manual evaluation also shows that the
titles generated by BART are preferred.
We believe that our work opens up many interesting re-
search opportunities. To name a few, one possible research
direction is to consider the characteristics of PR data to
propose a domain-specific pre-trained model. Domain-specific
models are promising, such as BERTweet [37], which is pre-
trained on English tweets, outperforms the strong baseline
[27] on three Tweet NLP tasks. Additionally,
to further improve the PR title generation performance, an-
other direction is to leverage the hierarchical code structure
information from code changes.
Acknowledgment. This research / project is supported by the
National Research Foundation, Singapore, under its Industry
Alignment Fund Pre-positioning (IAF-PP) Funding Initia-
tive. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommen-
dations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)
and do not reflect the views of National Research Foundation,
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