Each party signing this lease should seek legal advice prior to executing this lease. This lease is a sample and does not constitute legal advice. Page 1 of 4
Commercial Lease
Law Offices of Todd E. Kobernick
This Lease is made between ___________________________________ (Lessor), and ___________________________,
(Tenant). Tenant hereby offers to lease from Lessor the real property located in the City of ____________, State of California,
with a common address of ___________________________________________________, (the Real Property), upon the
following terms and conditions. (This document shall hereafter be referred to as the Lease).
1. Term and Rent. Lessor leases to Lessee the above Real Property for a term of ______________ years, commencing
____________________________, and terminating on __________________________________, or sooner as provided herein at
the annual rental of _____________________________________________________ Dollars ($ ), payable in
equal installments in advance on the first day of each month for that months rental, during the term of this Lease. All rental
payments shall be made to Lessor at the address specified below.
2. Option to Renew. Provided that Tenant is not in default in the performance of this Lease, Tenant shall have the option to renew
the Lease for one (or, if more than one option period given, insert number here _________) additional term(s) of ___________
months commencing at the expiration of the initial Lease term. All of the terms and conditions of the Lease shall apply during the
renewal term except that the monthly rent shall be the sum of $_____________________________ (subject to the restrictions of
paragraph 4, below). The option shall be exercised by written notice given to Lessor not less than ____________________ days
prior to the expiration of the prior Lease term. (If no other time is inserted, notice shall be given ninety (90) days prior to the
expiration of the prior lease term). If notice is not given in the manner provided herein within the time specified, this option shall
lapse and expire.
3. Use. Tenant shall use and occupy the Real Property for the commercial purpose of ____________________. The Real Property
shall be used for no other purpose.
4. SBA Provisions. If this Lease is executed by a Lessor and/or Tenant, who are participating in the U.S. Small Business
Administration 504 Loan Program, then the parties hereto agree and acknowledge that this Lease shall be construed to comply with
the requirements of such program including, but not limited to, those found in Title 13 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the SBA
Standard Operating Procedures 50-10 and all other relevant statutes laws, codes, regulations and procedures. Without limiting the
applicability of all relevant law, the following conditions shall apply:
(1) The Tenant shall lease from Lessor all of the Real Property;
(2) This Lease shall be junior and subordinate to any and all deeds of trust in favor of the SBA which relate to the
Real Property;
(3) The annual rent hereunder shall not exceed the annual payments on the deed of trust in favor of the SBA secured
by the Real Property, annual payments of deeds of trust senior to such SBA deed of trust, taxes, insurance and
(4) This Lease shall be assigned, for collateral purposes, to the SBA.
(5) The term of this Lease shall not expire prior to the maturity date of the subject SBA 504 Loan. Provided, the
Lease term may include options to renew the Lease, so long as the options are exercisable solely by the Tenant.
(6) Any leases of the Real Property other than to the Tenant shall be between the Tenant and the third party
5. Care and Maintenance of Real Property. Tenant acknowledges that the Real Property is in good order and repair, unless
otherwise indicated herein. Tenant shall, at his own expense and at all times, maintain the Real Property in good and safe condition,
including plate glass, electrical wiring, plumbing and heating installations and any other system or equipment upon the Real Property
and shall surrender the same, at termination hereof, in as good condition as received, normal wear and tear excepted.
(Check here if this provision applies.) ___ Tenant shall be responsible for all repairs required, excepting the roof, exterior walls,
Each party signing this lease should seek legal advice prior to executing this lease. This lease is a sample and does not constitute legal advice. Page 2 of 4
Commercial Lease
Law Offices of Todd E. Kobernick
structural foundations, and_______________________________________________________________________________,
which shall be maintained by Lessor. Tenant shall also maintain in good condition such portions adjacent to the Real Property, such
as sidewalks, driveways, lawns and shrubbery, which would otherwise be required to be maintained by Lessor.
6. Alterations. Tenant shall not, without first obtaining the written consent of Lessor, make any alternations, additions, or
improvements, in, to or about the Real Property.
7. Ordinances and Statutes. Tenant shall comply with all statutes, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and requirements
of all municipal, state and federal authorities (including owners association and similar entities) now in force, or which may
hereafter be in force, pertaining to the Real Property, occasioned by or affecting the use thereof by Tenant.
8. Assignment and Subletting. Tenant shall not assign this Lease or sublet any portion of the Real Property without prior written
consent of the Lessor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any such assignment or subletting without consent shall be void
and, at the option of the Lessor, may terminate this Lease.
9. Utilities. All applications and connections for necessary utility services on the Real Property shall be made in the name of
Tenant only, and Tenant shall be solely liable for utility charges as they become due, including those for sewer, water, gas,
electricity, and telephone services.
10. Entry and Inspection. Tenant shall permit Lessor or Lessors agents (and/or Lessors lenders and/or their agents and
representatives) to enter upon the Real Property at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice, for the purpose of inspecting the
same, and will permit Lessor at any time within ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of this Lease, to place upon the Real Property
any usual To Let or "For Lease signs, and permit persons desiring to lease the same to inspect the Real Property thereafter.
11. Possession. If Lessor is unable to deliver possession of the Real Property at the commencement hereof, Lessor shall not be
liable for any damage caused thereby, nor shall this Lease be void or voidable, but Tenant shall not be liable for any rent until
possession is delivered. Tenant may terminate this Lease if possession is not delivered within one hundred twenty days of the
commencement of the term hereof.
12. Indemnification of Lessor. Lessor shall not be liable for any damage or injury to Tenant, or any other person, or to any
property, occurring on the Real Property or any part thereof, and Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from any
claims for damages, no matter how caused, except for those caused by the sole negligence or sole unlawful conduct of Lessor.
13. Insurance. Tenant, at Tenants expense, shall maintain plate glass and public liability insurance including bodily injury and
property damage insuring Tenant and Lessor with minimum coverage as follows:
Tenant shall provide Lessor with a Certificate of Insurance showing Lessor as additional insured. The Certificate shall provide for a
ten-day written notice to Lessor in the event of cancellation or material change of coverage. To the maximum extent permitted by
insurance policies which may be owned by Lessor or Tenant, Tenant and Lessor, for the benefit of each other, waive any and all
rights of subrogation which might otherwise exist.
14. Eminent Domain. If the Real Property or any part thereof or any estate therein, or any other part of the building materially
affecting Tenants use of the Real Property, shall be taken by eminent domain, this Lease shall terminate on the date when title vests
pursuant to such taking. The rent, and any additional rent, shall be apportioned as of the termination date, and any rent paid for any
period beyond that date shall be repaid to Tenant. Tenant shall not be entitled to any part of the award for such taking or any
payment in lieu thereof, but Tenant may file a claim for any taking of fixtures and improvements owned by Tenant, and for moving
15. Destruction of Real Property. In the event of a partial destruction of the Real Property during the term hereof, from any
cause, Lessor shall forthwith repair the same, provided that such repairs can be made within sixty (60) days under existing
governmental laws and regulations; but, such partial destruction shall not terminate this Lease, except that Tenant shall be entitled to
a proportionate reduction of rent while such repairs are being made, based upon the extent to which the making of such repairs shall
interfere with the business of Tenant on the Real Property. If such repairs cannot be made within said sixty (60) days, Lessor, in
Lessors sole discretion and option, may make the repairs within a reasonable time, this Lease continuing in effect with the rent
Each party signing this lease should seek legal advice prior to executing this lease. This lease is a sample and does not constitute legal advice. Page 3 of 4
Commercial Lease
Law Offices of Todd E. Kobernick
proportionately abated as provided in the preceding sentence, and in the event that Lessor shall not elect to make such repairs, which
cannot be made within sixty (60) days, this Lease may be terminated at the option of either party. In the event that the building in
which the Real Property may be situated is destroyed to an extent of not less than one-third of the replacement costs thereof, Lessor
may elect to terminate this Lease whether the Real Property be injured or not. A total destruction of the building in which the Real
Property may be situated shall terminate this Lease.
16. Lessors Remedies on Default. If Tenant defaults in the payment of rent, or any additional rent, or defaults in the performance
of any of the other covenants or conditions hereof, Lessor may give Tenant notice of such default and if Tenant does not cure any
such default within _________________ (this shall be fifteen, if no other number is filled in) days, after the giving of such notice
(or if such other default is of such nature that it cannot be completely cured within such period, if Tenant does not commence such
curing within such ___________(this shall be fifteen, if no other number is filled in) days and thereafter proceed with reasonable
diligence and good faith to cure such default), then Lessor may terminate this Lease and all rights of Lessee under this Lease by such
written notice. If it so terminates on the date specified in such notice the term of this Lease shall terminate, and Tenant shall then
quit and surrender the Real Property to Lessor, but Tenant shall remain liable as hereinafter provided. If this Lease shall have been
so terminated by Lessor, Lessor may at any time thereafter resume possession of the Real Property by any lawful means and remove
Tenant or other occupants and their effects. No failure to enforce any term shall be deemed a waiver.
No act of Lessor shall be construed as terminating this Lease except written notice given by Lessor to Tenant advising Tenant that
Lessor elects to terminate the Lease. In the event Lessor elects to terminate this Lease, Lessor may recover from Tenant: (a) The
worth at the time of award of any unpaid rent that had been earned at the time of termination of the Lease; (b) The worth at the time
of award of the amount by which the unpaid rent that would have been earned after termination of the Lease until the time of award
exceeds the amount of rental loss that Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided; (c) The worth at the time of award of the
amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the term of this lease after the time of award exceeds the amount of rental loss
that Tenant proves could be reasonably avoided; and (d) Any other amount necessary to compensate Lessor for all detrimental
proximately caused by Tenants failure to perform its obligations under this Lease.
The term "rent as used in this Lease shall mean Rent and all other sums required to be paid by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this
17. Security Deposit. Tenant shall deposit with Lessor on the signing of this Lease the sum of
______________________________ Dollars ($ ) as security for the performance of Tenants obligations under this
Lease, including without limitation the surrender of possession of the Real Property to Lessor as herein provided. If Lessor applies
any part of the deposit to cure any default of Tenant, Tenant shall on demand deposit with Lessor the amount so applied so that
Lessor shall have the full deposit on hand at all times during the term of this Lease.
18. Tax Increase. In the event there is any increase during any year of the term of this Lease in real property taxes over and above
the amount of such taxes assessed for the tax year during which the term of this Lease commences, whether because of increased
rate, valuation or otherwise, Tenant shall pay to Lessor upon presentation of paid tax bills an amount equal to the increase in taxes
upon the land and building on which the Real Property is situated. In the event that such taxes are assessed for a tax year extending
beyond the term of the Lease, the obligation of Tenant shall be proportionate to the portion of the Lease term included in such year.
All such tax obligations of Lessee hereunder shall be added to and become a part of the rent paid under this Lease.
19. Common Area Expenses. In the event the Real Property is situated in a shopping center, a commercial building or other
complex in which there are common areas, Tenant agrees to pay Tenants pro-rata share of maintenance, taxes, and insurance for
the common area. All such obligations of Tenant hereafter shall be added to and become a part of the rent paid under this Lease.
20. Attorneys Fees. In case suit should be brought for recovery of the Real Property, or for any sum due hereunder, or because of
any act which may arise out of the possession of the Real Property, by either party, the prevailing party shall be entitled to all costs
incurred in connection with such action, including a reasonable attorneys fee.
21. Waiver. No failure of Lessor to enforce any term hereof shall be deemed to be a waiver.
22. Notices. Any notice which either party may or is required to give, shall be given by personal delivery or mailing the same,
postage prepaid, to Tenant at the Real Property (or at the address indicated below), or Lessor at the address specified below, or at
such other places as may be designated by the parties from time to time.
23. Heirs, Assigns, Successors. This Lease is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, assigns and successors in interest
Each party signing this lease should seek legal advice prior to executing this lease. This lease is a sample and does not constitute legal advice. Page 4 of 4
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Law Offices of Todd E. Kobernick
of the parties.
24. Subordination. This Lease is and shall be subordinated to all existing and future liens, mortgages, deeds of trust, ground
leases, hypothecations, security devices and encumbrances (“Security Instruments”) against the Real Property now or hereafter
placed upon the Real Property, to any and all advances made under any of said Security Instruments. Tenant covenants and agrees
to execute and deliver, upon demand, those instruments reasonably necessary to effect such subordination. Self-executing: The
agreements contained in this Paragraph shall be effective without the execution of any further documents; the power given herein is
coupled with an interest and is irrevocable. Provided, that upon written request from a Lender or Lessor in connection with a sale,
financing or refinancing of the Premises, Lessee and Lessor shall execute such further writings as may be reasonably required to
separately document any subordination, attornment and/or other relevant terms provided for herein.
25. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement.
26. Entire Agreement. The foregoing constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may be modified only by a writing
signed by both parties. The following Exhibits, if any, have been made a part of this Lease before the parties execution hereof:
Signed this __________ day of ______________________, 200__.
LESSOR: Tenant:
By: _____________________________ By: __________________________________
_____________________________ __________________________________
(Print Name and Title) (Print Name and Title)
_____________________________ __________________________________
_____________________________ __________________________________
Address Address (if different than Real Property address)